How does new provincial housing legislation affect Fleetwood?
In November 2023 the Province passed legislation to increase the supply of housing in BC. The legislation affects all existing and in progress secondary plans along SkyTrain lines.
The legislation identifies Transit Oriented Areas (TOAs) within 800 m of transit stations. As new development applications are received, cities must support a base level of development density in TOAs. Large parts of Fleetwood Plan are within a TOA. In addition, residential parking minimums will no longer apply in TOAs. Developers will now determine the number of residential parking spaces needed. Commercial and accessible residential parking spaces will still be required.
Outside of the 800 m distance, there will be additional options for small-scale housing. As the City works to implement the legislation, it will allow additional units on lots zoned for single family homes and duplexes, without a rezoning application. The number of units permitted without rezoning depends on the lot size and the proximity to frequent bus transit. Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) can include secondary suites, laneway homes, duplex, and row homes.
What changes are happening?
The legislation requires cities across the province, including Surrey, to update their bylaws, plans and policies related to housing. Several changes need to be completed in the coming months. These are the actions Surrey is taking to be consistent with the legislation:
- In March 2024, the Fleetwood plan boundaries were expanded. This change is outlined in Corporate Report R044;
- By June 30, 2024, designate Transit-Oriented Areas by bylaw;
- By June 30, 2024, update the City’s parking regulations to reflect revised parking requirements;
- By June 30, 2024, update the Zoning Bylaw to reflect Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing regulations;
- By December 31, 2024, update Surrey’s Housing Needs Report to calculate housing needs over a longer 20 year time horizon; and
- By December 31, 2025, update the Official Community Plan to be consistent with the Housing Needs Report.
In addition, the Fleetwood Plan will be updated to reflect the Transit-Oriented Areas including changes to land use designations and development parameters. Stay tuned for open house dates in the coming months. City staff will share detailed information and answer your questions.
Learn More:
Click here for a summary of the legislation and the steps the City is taking to implement the changes.
Click here to read more about Bill 47 which applies to Transit-Oriented Areas.