What we Heard in Spring/Summer 2021 - Step 3A/B: Putting it all Together into a Draft Plan

After considering all the feedback from community stakeholders in Step 2, we started to draft key components of the land use plan. We then shared these with participants for feedback in the Spring of 2021, in Step 3a. From there, we took the input, made revisions, and added some additional land use details to develop a revised Stage 1 (Draft) Plan in Step 3b.
Thank you to the nearly 1,400 people who took part in the Spring and Summer 2021 survey's and those that participated in our online engagement and stakeholder meetings. Since the launch of the Fleetwood Plan online platform, over 23,000 people have visited the Fleetwood project page. Of those, over 3,000 visited one or more of the information items, questions, polls, or tools. At the peak of engagement, the site had 726 visitors on a single day.
To learn more about what we've heard so far in the Step 3:a/b Putting it all Together & Reviewing the Draft Plan Surveys, have a look at the in the documents section or click on the image to open the Step 3a/b summary in a new window.