Fleetwood Plan

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A plan for Fleetwood is underway. The plan will guide growth and change over the next 30 years as SkyTrain extends along Fraser Highway to Langley. Last year with your input an updated plan was endorsed by Council. More changes are now needed before Council finalizes the plan.

A plan for Fleetwood is underway. The plan will guide growth and change over the next 30 years as SkyTrain extends along Fraser Highway to Langley. Last year with your input an updated plan was endorsed by Council. More changes are now needed before Council finalizes the plan.

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  • Share What is the development plan for collector roads leading into, and out of the Fleetwood plan area? (156th and 160th st specifically)? Can we expect to see them widened with the mass increase of population to the area? on Facebook Share What is the development plan for collector roads leading into, and out of the Fleetwood plan area? (156th and 160th st specifically)? Can we expect to see them widened with the mass increase of population to the area? on Twitter Share What is the development plan for collector roads leading into, and out of the Fleetwood plan area? (156th and 160th st specifically)? Can we expect to see them widened with the mass increase of population to the area? on Linkedin Email What is the development plan for collector roads leading into, and out of the Fleetwood plan area? (156th and 160th st specifically)? Can we expect to see them widened with the mass increase of population to the area? link

    What is the development plan for collector roads leading into, and out of the Fleetwood plan area? (156th and 160th st specifically)? Can we expect to see them widened with the mass increase of population to the area?

    Dianna asked 6 days ago

    Hi Dianna, 

    160 Street between 88 Avenue and 96 Avenue is planned for widening as a short-term priority (currently anticipated for 2026-2027, but timelines may be subject to change). No timelines have been determined for 156 Street improvements at this time. A list of the current short-term priorities throughout the City can be found at https://www.surrey.ca/sites/default/files/corporate-reports/CR_2024-R148.pdf 

  • Share I've noticed homes in my neighborhood are marked as new roads on the map. Are those people going to be forced to sell, to allow for new road development? on Facebook Share I've noticed homes in my neighborhood are marked as new roads on the map. Are those people going to be forced to sell, to allow for new road development? on Twitter Share I've noticed homes in my neighborhood are marked as new roads on the map. Are those people going to be forced to sell, to allow for new road development? on Linkedin Email I've noticed homes in my neighborhood are marked as new roads on the map. Are those people going to be forced to sell, to allow for new road development? link

    I've noticed homes in my neighborhood are marked as new roads on the map. Are those people going to be forced to sell, to allow for new road development?

    Dianna asked 6 days ago

    Hi Dianna,

    No, those people will not be forced to sell. The Fleetwood Plan guides long term growth over the next 30 years. Over time, apartments will be supported as as form of development where single family lots currently exist. There are different infrastructure and servicing needs as the residential density is increased. New developments will need to provide the necessary infrastructure, including new roads. The timing of redevelopment is decided on by the homeowner. It is expected that change in established single family neighbourhoods will happen gradually and in the long term.

  • Share Hi, my elderly parents' property is scheduled to be turned into park land. This is very upsetting for them, as they have lived there for 40 years. What is the timeline for park land to be bought and existing homeowners to be bought out? on Facebook Share Hi, my elderly parents' property is scheduled to be turned into park land. This is very upsetting for them, as they have lived there for 40 years. What is the timeline for park land to be bought and existing homeowners to be bought out? on Twitter Share Hi, my elderly parents' property is scheduled to be turned into park land. This is very upsetting for them, as they have lived there for 40 years. What is the timeline for park land to be bought and existing homeowners to be bought out? on Linkedin Email Hi, my elderly parents' property is scheduled to be turned into park land. This is very upsetting for them, as they have lived there for 40 years. What is the timeline for park land to be bought and existing homeowners to be bought out? link

    Hi, my elderly parents' property is scheduled to be turned into park land. This is very upsetting for them, as they have lived there for 40 years. What is the timeline for park land to be bought and existing homeowners to be bought out?

    Marc asked 20 days ago

    Hi Marc,
    The City will look to purchasing the property at fair market value after the Fleetwood Plan is finalized and only if the owner decides to sell to the City. Your elderly parents can own and stay at their property until they wish to sell to the City. They may also sell to another interested party at any time. The plan is scheduled to be finalized at the end of 2025. Please note that parkland acquisition happens incrementally over time. Not all land is acquired the year following plan completion.

    Land is acquired at fair market value, determined by an independent appraiser. This process involves assessing the highest and best use of the land (which typically excludes the park use) based on site characteristics, neighbourhood context, land use designations, and development potential of surrounding properties. 

  • Share I work in the complex at 8501 162nd Street Surrey which is currently designated in a "mixed use" "low to high-rise transition" area. It is only a block or so away from there the proposed skytrain is going to run. If the plan is finalized, does that mean that the City might be interested in redeveloping the property in that location if the owners agree? Or is it dependent on a developer making that decision and approaching the owners because they are interested in re-developing the lot? ' Also is there an anticipated timeframe for the actual Skytrain construction to start in the Fleetwood area? I am wondering whether the existing businesses that are nearby will be disrupted. on Facebook Share I work in the complex at 8501 162nd Street Surrey which is currently designated in a "mixed use" "low to high-rise transition" area. It is only a block or so away from there the proposed skytrain is going to run. If the plan is finalized, does that mean that the City might be interested in redeveloping the property in that location if the owners agree? Or is it dependent on a developer making that decision and approaching the owners because they are interested in re-developing the lot? ' Also is there an anticipated timeframe for the actual Skytrain construction to start in the Fleetwood area? I am wondering whether the existing businesses that are nearby will be disrupted. on Twitter Share I work in the complex at 8501 162nd Street Surrey which is currently designated in a "mixed use" "low to high-rise transition" area. It is only a block or so away from there the proposed skytrain is going to run. If the plan is finalized, does that mean that the City might be interested in redeveloping the property in that location if the owners agree? Or is it dependent on a developer making that decision and approaching the owners because they are interested in re-developing the lot? ' Also is there an anticipated timeframe for the actual Skytrain construction to start in the Fleetwood area? I am wondering whether the existing businesses that are nearby will be disrupted. on Linkedin Email I work in the complex at 8501 162nd Street Surrey which is currently designated in a "mixed use" "low to high-rise transition" area. It is only a block or so away from there the proposed skytrain is going to run. If the plan is finalized, does that mean that the City might be interested in redeveloping the property in that location if the owners agree? Or is it dependent on a developer making that decision and approaching the owners because they are interested in re-developing the lot? ' Also is there an anticipated timeframe for the actual Skytrain construction to start in the Fleetwood area? I am wondering whether the existing businesses that are nearby will be disrupted. link

    I work in the complex at 8501 162nd Street Surrey which is currently designated in a "mixed use" "low to high-rise transition" area. It is only a block or so away from there the proposed skytrain is going to run. If the plan is finalized, does that mean that the City might be interested in redeveloping the property in that location if the owners agree? Or is it dependent on a developer making that decision and approaching the owners because they are interested in re-developing the lot? ' Also is there an anticipated timeframe for the actual Skytrain construction to start in the Fleetwood area? I am wondering whether the existing businesses that are nearby will be disrupted.

    Lcorco asked 3 months ago

    Hi there,

    The City would not redevelop the property. The Fleetwood Plan shows what would be supported by the City when a developer submits a development proposal. Any redevelopment is with property owner consent, so they determine the timing of redevelopment.  Early construction preparation has started and will ramp up over the coming months. You can sign up for provincial construction updates at https://surreylangleyskytrain.gov.bc.ca/ . The skytrain service is expected to begin at the end of 2029.  The Fleetwood Plan guides development over the long-term (30 years), and not all properties will redevelop during this time frame. If you have additional questions please feel free to contact fleetwoodplan@surrey.ca

  • Share Could you please elaborate on the project timeline published on this page ? Specifically by when can we expect to see an updated Fleetwood Plan layout with the zoning recommendations after incorporating the Transit Oriented Areas ? Thank you ! on Facebook Share Could you please elaborate on the project timeline published on this page ? Specifically by when can we expect to see an updated Fleetwood Plan layout with the zoning recommendations after incorporating the Transit Oriented Areas ? Thank you ! on Twitter Share Could you please elaborate on the project timeline published on this page ? Specifically by when can we expect to see an updated Fleetwood Plan layout with the zoning recommendations after incorporating the Transit Oriented Areas ? Thank you ! on Linkedin Email Could you please elaborate on the project timeline published on this page ? Specifically by when can we expect to see an updated Fleetwood Plan layout with the zoning recommendations after incorporating the Transit Oriented Areas ? Thank you ! link

    Could you please elaborate on the project timeline published on this page ? Specifically by when can we expect to see an updated Fleetwood Plan layout with the zoning recommendations after incorporating the Transit Oriented Areas ? Thank you !

    NM asked 5 months ago

    Hi there,

    We're working towards having that information by the end of this year. If you would like to stay informed about plan updates, please sign up for email updates at the top of this page.

  • Share Hi, my property currently has a road proposed going right in front of it, effectively splitting the cultisaq in half. Will the city proceed with this plan despite houses clearly being in the way of it? on Facebook Share Hi, my property currently has a road proposed going right in front of it, effectively splitting the cultisaq in half. Will the city proceed with this plan despite houses clearly being in the way of it? on Twitter Share Hi, my property currently has a road proposed going right in front of it, effectively splitting the cultisaq in half. Will the city proceed with this plan despite houses clearly being in the way of it? on Linkedin Email Hi, my property currently has a road proposed going right in front of it, effectively splitting the cultisaq in half. Will the city proceed with this plan despite houses clearly being in the way of it? link

    Hi, my property currently has a road proposed going right in front of it, effectively splitting the cultisaq in half. Will the city proceed with this plan despite houses clearly being in the way of it?

    Josh asked 5 months ago

    Hi Josh,

    The Fleetwood Plan is a long-term, 30 year plan that guides how Fleetwood will grow over time. It shows what the City would support when properties are being re-developed, which generally involves removal of the existing buildings. Not all properties will redevelop in the next 30 years. Some buildings will remain. Redevelopment is initiated by the property owner with a rezoning application to the City.

    With the long-term timeline in mind, the plan anticipates new roads that will be needed to support additional population. Usually when redevelopment of single family properties occurs, several lots need to be developed at the same time to ensure the lot size can accommodate apartment or townhouse construction. Within the lot consolidation, a new road could be required.  New roads are required to support new development.

    If you have additional questions specifically related to your property please contact fleetwoodplan@surrey.ca

  • Share What is SSMUH exclusion? Can i not build a garden suite on my existing lot? or rebuild with the new zoning if I'm in both a TOA and SSMUH zone? And what if it's also been designated as a park lot? So many rules, but no clarity on what's permitted, or not permitted. on Facebook Share What is SSMUH exclusion? Can i not build a garden suite on my existing lot? or rebuild with the new zoning if I'm in both a TOA and SSMUH zone? And what if it's also been designated as a park lot? So many rules, but no clarity on what's permitted, or not permitted. on Twitter Share What is SSMUH exclusion? Can i not build a garden suite on my existing lot? or rebuild with the new zoning if I'm in both a TOA and SSMUH zone? And what if it's also been designated as a park lot? So many rules, but no clarity on what's permitted, or not permitted. on Linkedin Email What is SSMUH exclusion? Can i not build a garden suite on my existing lot? or rebuild with the new zoning if I'm in both a TOA and SSMUH zone? And what if it's also been designated as a park lot? So many rules, but no clarity on what's permitted, or not permitted. link

    What is SSMUH exclusion? Can i not build a garden suite on my existing lot? or rebuild with the new zoning if I'm in both a TOA and SSMUH zone? And what if it's also been designated as a park lot? So many rules, but no clarity on what's permitted, or not permitted.

    Vivian asked 7 months ago

    Hi Vivian,

    Within Transit-Oriented Areas, the Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing changes do not apply and your existing zone remains the same with the same permitted uses. Outside of Transit-Oriented Areas, there are some exclusion for properties in the Agricultural Land Reserve, large properties, and properties without urban services. Properties designated for future park keep their existing zoning until the property owner wishes to sell to the City. Since there are many considerations, it's advisable to provide your address to fleetwoodplan@surrey.ca for more detailed information.

  • Share What are the City's plans for parking once the Surrey-Langley skytrain is running? Will there be a ride-and-park available at any stops? Will any of the neighbourhood on-street parking near the Skytrain change to paid parking or permit-only parking? on Facebook Share What are the City's plans for parking once the Surrey-Langley skytrain is running? Will there be a ride-and-park available at any stops? Will any of the neighbourhood on-street parking near the Skytrain change to paid parking or permit-only parking? on Twitter Share What are the City's plans for parking once the Surrey-Langley skytrain is running? Will there be a ride-and-park available at any stops? Will any of the neighbourhood on-street parking near the Skytrain change to paid parking or permit-only parking? on Linkedin Email What are the City's plans for parking once the Surrey-Langley skytrain is running? Will there be a ride-and-park available at any stops? Will any of the neighbourhood on-street parking near the Skytrain change to paid parking or permit-only parking? link

    What are the City's plans for parking once the Surrey-Langley skytrain is running? Will there be a ride-and-park available at any stops? Will any of the neighbourhood on-street parking near the Skytrain change to paid parking or permit-only parking?

    Julia asked 7 months ago

    Hi Julia,

    Once the Surrey Langley SkyTrain extension is constructed, it will be operated by TransLink. To the City's knowledge, there is no ride-and-park facilities planned in Fleetwood. You may wish to connect with TransLink directly to inquire about future ride-and-park facilities. Their customer link is: https://www.translink.ca/about-us/customer-service/feedback 

    There are some areas shown below on the Transit Network (available in the Stage 1 brochure) which indicate on-street parking areas for SkyTrain users. Further details on pay and/or permit are still forthcoming.

  • Share On our street 91 and 91a its hard to get on 152nd with the proposed 44 story Zentarra and the 25 proposed 25 story high rise with 205 units the amount of traffic will make it hard to get onto 152 be it a scooter bike or whatever as the intersection is always blocked as cars don't leave room at the intersection and it's bumper to bumper south bound on Facebook Share On our street 91 and 91a its hard to get on 152nd with the proposed 44 story Zentarra and the 25 proposed 25 story high rise with 205 units the amount of traffic will make it hard to get onto 152 be it a scooter bike or whatever as the intersection is always blocked as cars don't leave room at the intersection and it's bumper to bumper south bound on Twitter Share On our street 91 and 91a its hard to get on 152nd with the proposed 44 story Zentarra and the 25 proposed 25 story high rise with 205 units the amount of traffic will make it hard to get onto 152 be it a scooter bike or whatever as the intersection is always blocked as cars don't leave room at the intersection and it's bumper to bumper south bound on Linkedin Email On our street 91 and 91a its hard to get on 152nd with the proposed 44 story Zentarra and the 25 proposed 25 story high rise with 205 units the amount of traffic will make it hard to get onto 152 be it a scooter bike or whatever as the intersection is always blocked as cars don't leave room at the intersection and it's bumper to bumper south bound link

    On our street 91 and 91a its hard to get on 152nd with the proposed 44 story Zentarra and the 25 proposed 25 story high rise with 205 units the amount of traffic will make it hard to get onto 152 be it a scooter bike or whatever as the intersection is always blocked as cars don't leave room at the intersection and it's bumper to bumper south bound

    Jim B asked 7 months ago

    Hi Jim, 

    Thank you for letting us know your concerns about traffic on 91 Avenue, 91A Avenue, and 152 Street. The transportation concept for the Fleetwood Plan is currently being completed as part of the Stage 2 Plan process and is informed by an area-wide transportation modelling analysis. Planned improvements will include pedestrian and cycling upgrades along 152 Street and new local road connections as part of development along these blocks to provide better circulation and alternative routes to relieve congestion on 152 Street. Intersection improvements and measures along 152 Street will also be identified as part of Stage 2 to support movement and safety for future growth needs. These planned improvements will also support and integrate with the planned Skytrain Station and transit use.


  • Share Why did Surrey allowed tall bc hydro posts and lines in Fleetwood? They’re an eyesore especially the white reflective cables. on Facebook Share Why did Surrey allowed tall bc hydro posts and lines in Fleetwood? They’re an eyesore especially the white reflective cables. on Twitter Share Why did Surrey allowed tall bc hydro posts and lines in Fleetwood? They’re an eyesore especially the white reflective cables. on Linkedin Email Why did Surrey allowed tall bc hydro posts and lines in Fleetwood? They’re an eyesore especially the white reflective cables. link

    Why did Surrey allowed tall bc hydro posts and lines in Fleetwood? They’re an eyesore especially the white reflective cables.

    James asked 7 months ago

    Hi James,

    BC Hydro is currently relocating their infrastructure to the south side of Fraser Highway in preparation for SkyTrain construction on the north side of the street. The City does not have a requirement to underground wires at this location (due to cost and BC Hydro's permissions to work within city road allowance). This is why the existing system was used.

Page last updated: 03 Dec 2024, 11:48 AM