Fleetwood Plan

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A plan for Fleetwood is underway. The plan will guide growth and change over the next 30 years as SkyTrain extends along Fraser Highway to Langley. Last year with your input an updated plan was endorsed by Council. More changes are now needed before Council finalizes the plan.

View the open house information boards.

A plan for Fleetwood is underway. The plan will guide growth and change over the next 30 years as SkyTrain extends along Fraser Highway to Langley. Last year with your input an updated plan was endorsed by Council. More changes are now needed before Council finalizes the plan.

View the open house information boards.

  • Council Designates Transit-Oriented Areas in Fleetwood

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    On June 10, fifteen "Transit-Oriented Areas" (TOAs) were designated in Surrey, as required by the Provincial government. TOAs are areas within 800 metres of a SkyTrain station and within 400 metres of a bus exchange where higher density development standards apply. The purpose of TOAs is to increase the supply of housing near transit. This will result in vibrant, mixed-use neighbourhoods where housing is concentrated near transit and amenities. Three Transit-Oriented Areas are found within Fleetwood which will impact how we plan the area.

    Learn more about Transit-Oriented Areas in Corporate Report R089.

  • How does new provincial housing legislation affect Fleetwood?

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    In November 2023 the Province passed legislation to increase the supply of housing in BC. The legislation affects all existing and in progress secondary plans along SkyTrain lines.

    The legislation identifies Transit Oriented Areas (TOAs) within 800 m of transit stations. As new development applications are received, cities must support a base level of development density in TOAs. Large parts of Fleetwood Plan are within a TOA. In addition, residential parking minimums will no longer apply in TOAs. Developers will now determine the number of residential parking spaces needed. Commercial and accessible residential parking spaces will still be required.

    Outside of the 800 m distance, there will be additional options for small-scale housing. As the City works to implement the legislation, it will allow additional units on lots zoned for single family homes and duplexes, without a rezoning application. The number of units permitted without rezoning depends on the lot size and the proximity to frequent bus transit. Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) can include secondary suites, laneway homes, duplex, and row homes.

    What changes are happening?

    The legislation requires cities across the province, including Surrey, to update their bylaws, plans and policies related to housing. Several changes need to be completed in the coming months. These are the actions Surrey is taking to be consistent with the legislation:

    • In March 2024, the Fleetwood plan boundaries were expanded. This change is outlined in Corporate Report R044;
    • By June 30, 2024, designate Transit-Oriented Areas by bylaw;
    • By June 30, 2024, update the City’s parking regulations to reflect revised parking requirements;
    • By June 30, 2024, update the Zoning Bylaw to reflect Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing regulations;
    • By December 31, 2024, update Surrey’s Housing Needs Report to calculate housing needs over a longer 20 year time horizon; and
    • By December 31, 2025, update the Official Community Plan to be consistent with the Housing Needs Report.

    In addition, the Fleetwood Plan will be updated to reflect the Transit-Oriented Areas including changes to land use designations and development parameters. Stay tuned for open house dates in the coming months. City staff will share detailed information and answer your questions.

    Learn More:

    Click here for a summary of the legislation and the steps the City is taking to implement the changes.

    Click here to read more about Bill 47 which applies to Transit-Oriented Areas.

  • Council Endorses Fleetwood Plan Update

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    Proposed changes to the Land Use, Transportation, and Parks and Open Space Concepts were endorsed by Council on October 16. Council also endorsed the establishment of a Rapid Transit Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) charge for the Fleetwood Plan Area, and authorization to continue with associated Stage 2 planning work.

    Plan Update

    Following the Stage 1 Plan approval, the planning process continued with more detailed Stage 2 Plan components. Updates include a variety of revisions to land use designations, adjustments to the road and cycling networks, refinements to the location of parkland, the relocation of Fire Hall 6, and the identification of potential future school sites.

    Rapid Transit CAC

    With significant re‐development potential to the northeast and anticipated high‐volume bus transfers from South Surrey, the City recommended enhancements to the 152 Street Station; particularly, a second station entrance on the east side of 152 Street with a pedestrian overpass. The City will recover costs associated with the 152 Street Station Enhancement through a Rapid Transit CAC that will be applied to development in the Fleetwood Plan Area.

    Next Steps - Ongoing Stage 2 Planning Work

    Staff continue to prioritize work associated with the Stage 2 Plan with the goal of advancing a final Plan for Council consideration next year. A summary of ongoing Stage 2 work is highlighted below. This work will be supported by ongoing community and stakeholder engagement and continued interdepartmental staff review.

    Review the Stage 1 Plan Update Report

    View the Stage 1 Plan Update Brochure

  • Exploring how the Extension Areas of the Fleetwood Plan can grow – Engagement Summary

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    Thank you to the 136 people who took part in the survey and participated in our online engagement tools. In March, 2023 we explored how Extension Area A and B of Fleetwood can grow. Two targeted surveys were conducted, inviting residents to provide input on what types of housing should be considered, how access to park space could be improved, and what local connectivity improvements they would like to see.

    Please see below to learn more about what we've heard in the surveys:

    Next Steps

    City staff will incorporate the findings of this phase of engagement into an upcoming Report to Council and amend the Fleetwood Land Use Concept with an updated land use concept for the extension areas. The community will have opportunity to provide input on the overall Fleetwood Plan through future engagement opportunities during Stage 2 of the plan process.

    The City is currently refining the Plan and will have further broad community based consultation in the coming months. Staff are targeting to bring forward a final Fleetwood Plan for Council consideration in the Summer of 2024.

  • Fleetwood Market Supply and Demand Update 2022

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    In early 2022, Colliers Strategy and Consulting Group was retained by the City of Surrey to provide an update of current conditions and market trends in Fleetwood . The intent of this report was to update previous findings, assumptions, and analyses to current conditions, particularly given changing market dynamics and notable interest and activity in the past 3 years. As a direct result of both land use planning efforts and changing market conditions, the Fleetwood Plan area is considerably different than previously observed in the 2019 supply & demand report.

    Overall, due to anticipated population growth and changing consumer retail habits, there is expected to be a major shift in the retail and housing supply in the Fleetwood area.

    • In terms of Residential Growth, by 2041, the Fleetwood Plan area is anticipated to absorb between 9,680 and 12,177 apartments, increasing to between 14,521 and 18,266 apartments by 2051. This is a rate of approximately 484 to 609 apartment units annually. This annual growth estimate is within the plan buildout capacity of up to 2,000 units annually.
    • In terms of Commercial Growth, the areas around Skytrain Stations will require more than 360,000 square feet of additional retail space by 2050. The additional required commercial floor area could be occupied by uses such as full-service restaurants, service commercial, and other additional retail offerings. New commercial uses will transition away from single-level plazas and vehicle-oriented retail to denser, mixed-use retail which should contribute to a more vibrant and cohesive community.

    For more information you can review the 2022 Market Supply & Demand Update Report

  • Fleetwood Stage 1 Plan receives Council approval

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    Land use planning along the forthcoming Surrey-Langley SkyTrain line has taken a significant step forward after Surrey City Council approved the Fleetwood Stage 1 Plan at March 7, 2022 Regular Council Meeting.

    The Stage 1 Plan focused on opportunities to integrate new housing, job space, and amenities in Fleetwood. It provided opportunities to advance Council priorities related to housing, childcare, jobs and economy, climate change, integrated water resource management, and transportation. The Fleetwood Stage 1 Plan presents a clear strategy to integrate land use and sustainable transportation systems, while addressing concerns around the supply of affordable housing. The plan will create a compact, sustainable, and transit-oriented community with a diverse offering of housing types, interconnected transportation choices, and local amenities that serve all residents.

    Initiated in April 2019, the Fleetwood Plan has involved a comprehensive program of public engagement and stakeholder consultation to ensure that diverse interests in the area were represented, including renters, homeowners, businesses, community groups, and public agencies. Thousands of Surrey residents have been engaged thus far through in-person and online activities including open houses, workshops, surveys and polls, online mapping exercises, as well as hosting an ongoing online ‘question and answer.’

    The approval of the plan allows staff to proceed with the Stage 2 planning process and presents an interim Development Expectations Strategy that will allow staff to begin processing development applications within the Fleetwood Plan Area based on the proposed Stage 1 Plan.

    Review the Stage 1 Report.
    Explore the Stage 1 Plan Summary.
    Review the interim Development Expectations Strategy.
    Review what we've heard through the Stage 1 Engagement Summary.

  • What we Heard in Spring/Summer 2021 - Step 3A/B: Putting it all Together into a Draft Plan

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    After considering all the feedback from community stakeholders in Step 2, we started to draft key components of the land use plan. We then shared these with participants for feedback in the Spring of 2021, in Step 3a. From there, we took the input, made revisions, and added some additional land use details to develop a revised Stage 1 (Draft) Plan in Step 3b.

    Thank you to the nearly 1,400 people who took part in the Spring and Summer 2021 survey's and those that participated in our online engagement and stakeholder meetings. Since the launch of the Fleetwood Plan online platform, over 23,000 people have visited the Fleetwood project page. Of those, over 3,000 visited one or more of the information items, questions, polls, or tools. At the peak of engagement, the site had 726 visitors on a single day.

    To learn more about what we've heard so far in the Step 3:a/b Putting it all Together & Reviewing the Draft Plan Surveys, have a look at the in the documents section or click on the image to open the Step 3a/b summary in a new window.

  • Draft Land Use Plan

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    In April 2019, the City of Surrey began the process to develop a comprehensive community plan for Fleetwood. In August 2021, the City released a Stage 1 (draft) Plan and launched a survey to get feedback on the plan. The plan will support the extension of the Surrey-Langley SkyTrain Line down Fraser Highway and guide growth in Fleetwood over the next 30+ years. It reflects the community’s preferred approach to focus growth along Fraser Highway and around the future SkyTrain stations.

    Explore the draft plan by reviewing the Fleetwood Plan - Draft Plan Summary. Click here to review the summary. You can also view and download a copy of the summary from the 'Documents' folder.

  • What we Heard So Far Fall 2020 Step 2C: Heart of Fleetwood, Big Ideas, Connections & Parks

    Share What we Heard So Far Fall 2020 Step 2C: Heart of Fleetwood, Big Ideas, Connections & Parks on Facebook Share What we Heard So Far Fall 2020 Step 2C: Heart of Fleetwood, Big Ideas, Connections & Parks on Twitter Share What we Heard So Far Fall 2020 Step 2C: Heart of Fleetwood, Big Ideas, Connections & Parks on Linkedin Email What we Heard So Far Fall 2020 Step 2C: Heart of Fleetwood, Big Ideas, Connections & Parks link

    In the Fall of 2020 and Winter of 2021 we explored how the 'Heart of Fleetwood', within Fleetwood Town Centre could evolve as Fleetwood grows. We conducted an online survey, stakeholder interviews and a workshop.

    In addition, during the Fall of 2020 and Winter of 2021 we asked online participants to show us where they would like to see new parks and amenities, new and improved connections, and their big ideas for Fleetwood.

    Thank you to the nearly 600 people who took part in the survey and those that participated in our online engagement and workshop. Since the launch of the Fleetwood Plan online platform, over 8,000 people have visited the Fleetwood project page. Of those, 3,300 visited one or more of the information items or tools. At the peak of engagement, the site had 595 visitors to the site on a single day.

    To learn more about what we've heard so far in the Step 2C: Heart of Fleetwood survey, and online engagement have a look at the summary in the documents section or click on the image to open the summary in a new window.

  • What we Heard So Far in Fall 2020 Step 2b: Exploring Growth Options

    Share What we Heard So Far in Fall 2020 Step 2b: Exploring Growth Options on Facebook Share What we Heard So Far in Fall 2020 Step 2b: Exploring Growth Options on Twitter Share What we Heard So Far in Fall 2020 Step 2b: Exploring Growth Options on Linkedin Email What we Heard So Far in Fall 2020 Step 2b: Exploring Growth Options link

    In November 2020 we conducted an online survey as part of Step 2b: Exploring Growth Options phase of the Fleetwood Plan. Thank you to the more than 900 people who took part in the Fall 2020 survey.

    We asked participants to consider three growth options: concentrated, dispersed, or balanced, and which option they thought was best for Fleetwood. The results show a preference for the balanced and concentrated growth options. Both options focus growth and density around future SkyTrain stations, and in Fleetwood Town Centre.

    To learn more about what we've heard so far in the Step 2b: Exploring Growth Options survey, have a look at the summary in the documents section or click on the image to open the summary in a new window.

Page last updated: 26 Aug 2024, 02:21 PM